Fake out of Home shines on lichttoren

May 7, 2024

The Netherlands

Have you seen this giant PSV shirt over the light tower? It must have been online then! Via a fake-out-of-home video, Brainport Eindhoven and its partners congratulated PSV on its 25th national title.

The video with the giant PSV shirt falling over the iconic Lichttoren via helicopters was posted the day after the championship. On Instagram, it was in a collab with PSV and 433nl, which quickly pushed the video towards more than 2 million views. On the PSV TikTok channel, the video now stands at over 865K views. Together with over 45k engagements on Brainport Eindhoven’s account, this campaign was the most viral and fast-paced marketing activation in the brand’s history.

The mixed reality video, made with CGI technology, was developed in collaboration with NÕRM. 


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