
Blood relatives: give blood for another.


The Netherlands

Make sports count

New blood relatives per half a year
0 +
Estimated PR-value
0 +
More blood relatives than in the same period without campaign
0 %

The Netherlands has a problem. There is anemia and the number of new blood donors is stagnating. Even in Eindhoven, Philips’ mother city, there is a shortage of 2,000 donors. 2,000 donors. Remarkable, because this region has become big because of its social character. That’s why Philips, PSV and Sanquin joined forces. The goal? 1,913 new blood donors within six months, a reference to the year Philips, PSV was founded. Because the Philips blood still literally and figuratively flows through the veins of PSV. On the field, but also off it.


Social result

Philips, Sanquin, PSV and other partners involved delivered a team performance of stature. The goal of the Blood Relatives campaign was amply achieved: in six months, 4,462 new blood donors signed up. Normally Sanquin realizes 1,000 new donors per year in the Eindhoven region, so in this time period that would be about 500. Moreover, this number is still rising, giving the campaign a clear ‘long tail’ effect

football-wide impact

The campaign, which was initially deployed regionally, realized a national reach. Not least because BN’ers with enormous reach, such as Ruud van Nistelrooij, Giel de Winter and Xavi Simons used their networks to give the campaign extra attention. Special broadcasts on ESPN and attention in popular (TV) programs, such as Op1, Humberto, Mattie & Marieke and de Wild, ensured that we also managed to touch the hearts of people who have no connection with Philips and PSV. The proof that the Blood Relatives campaign has made a club-transcending impact.
Much appreciation goes out to Thijs Slegers. A shining example of how you can make a difference to someone else’s life.

In a society of polarization and worry, do we want to develop another fun give-away? Or should it be about “caring about another”? We confidently chose the latter.

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